Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Hands off MY Social Security?

Senate Majority lead Bill Frist had a chance meeting with protestors from Americans United to Protect Social Security. The protestors had signs proclaiming "Hands off My Social Security! Catchy, but wrong. As currently constructed, no one has a personal social security account, as implied by the "My Social Security" phrase. Social Security is currently a "pay as you go" government program. The payroll taxes that are paid today support current social security recipients, they are not put in an account with your name on it. That would be a Personal Savings Account (PSA), one of the proposals put forth by President Bush that the protestors are presumably protesting. A sign proclaiming "Hands off Social Security" would be more apropos. As with any other government program, once the tax is paid, the money belongs to the government and it decides what to do with it. A PSA would indeed belong to the person and any changes to the rules governing them could be met with signs declaring "Hands off MY Social Security!"


At 5:06 PM, Blogger Jessica said...

I did actually read your post, but I'm replying to your comments, lol. I think an ex is always an ex. The term friend doesn't give the info that there was a previous deeper relationship. And of course, the relationship ended, so "ex." In my opinion.


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